My Art Projects
I’ve always loved visiting art museums. In 2019, after attending our local Art Festival, I was inspired to try my hand at watercolor painting. I took one class and since then have been enjoying some self-teaching with books and videos to help. It’s become my newest creative endeavor. I’ve attempted to combine it with my new gardening interest of clematis plants and my love of birds.
(Click on any image to begin slideshow)
Animal Paintings
Bird Paintings
Flower Paintings
Landscape Paintings
Miscellaneous Paintings
Aboriginal Rock Painting
I recently went to a class at our local library on rock painting. I was totally amazed at how easy and fun it was to paint rocks with primitive sticks and acrylic craft paints. It is extremely meditative to sit down and create these beautiful decorative rocks. As to what to do with them, I haven’t yet figured that out. So far I just enjoy giving them away to friends, family and neighbors.
Painted Barn Quilt
I’ve always enjoyed seeing barn quilts decorating barns in the country. Not having a barn anymore I decided to make one anyway and hang it on our back fence gate. Barn quilts are painted on plywood and designed using quilt patterns. They are a form of folk art and originated in Ohio. Since I love quilting and art it seemed a natural art form to explore. Here I combined it with my fascination with hummingbirds that visit our garden year round.
Having enjoyed this barn quilt so much I decided to do another, but this time I used Penny as my model for the center picture. I hung this one on our front gate. It now feels like Penny is welcoming me home every time I drive in the driveway.