Moving Forward in 2022

As I contemplate what to write after such a long pause since my last post, I feel uncertain how to begin. We’ve made it through yet another pandemic year of isolation, anxiety, stress, and frustration. There now seems to be a light at the end of this long dark tunnel, but can we trust it will last? It appears that our society is unraveling on all levels – our democracy, healthcare, homelessness, addiction, violence, schools, and supply chains just to name a few disturbing issues. And over all this now lies the shadow of war, and even more importantly the issue of climate change.

Today at 75, I’m all too aware how short life is. Thinking about my mortality definitely makes me want to re-examine my activities, my relationships and my attitudes towards life.  More than ever I’m feeling the need to reach out and connect with my friends and family. How do I really want to spend my days? Can I live more joyfully, socially connected, and grateful for what time I have left? I’ve spent too many sleepless nights in recent months worrying about all that’s wrong in the world. It’s time to let go of all I cannot change and make a commitment to myself to live more compassionately, playfully and gratefully right now.   

The question is not, “when will this pandemic be over”, but “how can I live today to the fullest”.  I am committed to devoting more time to all the things I deem as meaningful and that add joy to our world. I cannot solve the big problems, but I CAN affect those in my little corner of the world. This is my belated New Year’s wish for all of us.